Saturday, March 29, 2008

Talkin' about the dog wash...yeah!

This morning we took Maddie to LaundroMutt, a sort of do-it-yourself dog wash in Cambridge. I've taken her a few times before, but dragged Tom this time so he could experience how hilarious this is. Totally pegged for yuppies with dogs called Fluffy and Muffy and those of us who don't want to pay someone to do something they can do themselves, but also don't want their house to look like WaterWorld when they're done.

You have to get there just before it opens - no exceptions, because it gets crowded fast. You decide which of several different degrees of salon care you want (ranging from a simple hose-down to a more elaborate "wash, dry and fold" - their words, not mine!). They have huge stainless steel tubs for the washing -- dog walk up detachable stairs or ramps. The hoses provide both water and a shampoo/water mixture (today, Maddie got Wild Berries). Then you roll up your sleeves, don a huge apron suitable for a standard laboratory, and get to work. You can choose to simply towel dry when you're done or, if your dog can handle it, use a dryer apparatus that's similar to a vacuum (Maddie hates it, so towel/shake dry it is!).

$15 well spent and a lot of laughs. For another $8 they trim her nails!

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